tange-gerard noirs & blancs

The Noirs & Blancs champagne turns our local tradition upside down. In this blend, the Pinot Meunier grape is in the spot light and the Chardonnay grape takes the supporting part for a change. The mix of approximately two thirds of black grapes and one third of white grapes shows the difference between Pinot and Chardonnay grapes.

This Tange-Gerard champagne is round and bodied and its rich taste of fruits is followed by a pleasant freshness. However, neither the Noirs nor the Blancs will dominate the blend very distinctively.

This is a champagne where cooperation between equals is more important than individual performances. Technically a vintage as no older reserve wines enter the blend. The Noirs & Blancs is a great all-round champagne on its own, with finger food of different kinds, charcuterie or a well matured Brie de Meaux.

want to know more?

Please find dosage, month and year of disgorgement and more below. Download the fact sheet and read more about the vintage, the vinification and how to serve.


Immature Pinot Meunier-grapes enjoy the sun, July 2019 in Loisy-en-Brie.


Grape harvest in the big plot of Pinot Meunier in Loisy-en-Brie, august 2018.


The base wines of the year are tasted against each other and discussed in our group of winegrowers.

noirs & blancs dosage etc.

Filtering, bottling (tirage), dosage, disgorgement. These are some of the technical steps in the long process from young newly fermented still wine to ready-to-enjoy champagne. Below, you will find a short description of the year in our vineyards with a few of the technical informations from the vinification.

base 2020:

The buds developped in wonderful weather in April amidst the covid quarantine. A bit of rain allowed the grapes to put on some weight without problems of disease. An early grape harvest in August and grapes of top quality.

Tirage: April 2021

Disgorgement: 2023


base 2019:

A classic start with cold weather, a bit of frost and hail in April followed by warm weather. The heat peaked on July 24th with record 42,9° Celsius. The maturation began in August with lots of sun bringing sugars to small, healthy grapes with a great aromatique balance.

Tirage: April 2020



base 2018:

In 2018, a very wet winter was followed by a cold spring with slightly delayed buds. The sun reappeared to remain in control most of the summer. This implied warm and dry vineyards. A year with an abundance of grapes generally and of perfect health as the grape harvest took off end August.

Tirage: April 2019

Disgorgement: October 2022

Dosage: 8,5 g/l

base 2017:

2017 was a heterogeneous year where balance became increasingly difficult as the grape harvest approached. We escaped spring frost in early April, fast growth followed, and
we were pleased when cooler temperatures slowed down the speed in July. August brought too much rain under first mild then warm temperatures and grey rots set off. Eventually when the harvest began, the objective was to pick grapes before the widespread attacks of rots. Such are the conditions some years.

Tirage: April 2018

Disgorgement: October 2022

Dosage: 5 g/l

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