tange-gerard solliphere 2017

The 2017 vintage of Solliphere has been a bit of a timid debutant. We like to look after this champagne a bit more than usual and serve it at a higher temperature from 12 degrees Celsius to let it open more.

This vintage is a natural choice when you want to enjoy a glass in a gathering of family, friends, collegues or someone else you’d like to share a moment with before everybody’s lives resume somewhere else. If you want to finish the bottle with a bite, try a carpaccio of white fish.

We made 3.000 bottles of Solliphere in its 2017 version. We disgorge them in small lots and release them to you gradually. The rest will lodge even longer in the caves and develop more. The purpose is to dose the bottles as precise as we can to allow the dosage to match the current development of the champagne. The date and dosage are both written on the backlabel of your bottle with the unique, consecutive number of this bottle. You will find a summary of all disgorgements in the factsheet below.

want to know more?

Download the fact sheet and read more about the vintage, the vinification and how to serve.


solliphere 2017 dosage etc.

We have made 3.000 bottles of Solliphere in 2017. They have not all had excactly the same development.

The higher the unique number of the bottle, the longer the champagne has spent on the lees in the cave. The lees is what is left of the dead yeast from the second alcoholic fermentation. This particular partnership allows further complexity to develop in the wine. The champagne will be dosed accordingly.

Below, you will find information about the disgorgement and the dosage of your bottle.

Bottles numbers 0001 - 1000:

disgorged February 2022, dosage 6 g/l

2012-vendanges 097.JPG

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